Sit harness: A component consisting of straps, fittings, buckles, backrests or other elements in the form of a waist belt with a low attachment element at the stomach and connecting support en-circling each leg suitably arranged to support the body of a cons-cious person in a sitting position. Sit harnesses may be fitted with shoulder straps. Sit harnesses may be incorporated into a garment or a full body harness.
Backrest: Backrests must be attached to the waist belt. The back rest must be at least 50 mm more than half the circumference of the waist belt.
Stitching: Sewing yarn must contrast with the shade of the web-bing to facilitate visual inspection.
Attachment elements
The sit harness must have at least one attachment element. This must be located at the front of the sit harness and to the centre.
If a sit harness is fitted with additional side attachment elements they must comply with EN 358.
Static strength test
When tested, no load bearing element may break or tear.
In addition, no load bearing element may become deta-ched.
Dynamic elongation test (drop test)
When tested, the test dummy and no load bearing element may be released and no load bearing element may break or tear. In addition, no load bearing element may become detached.
Ergonomics hang test
Hang test for 4 minutes with two test persons with a tallness of 160 to 190cm (with at least 15cm difference) and a body weight of 60 to 110 kg (with at least 30 kg difference).
Both persons have to show that they can sit symptom-free in an upright position.
Additional they have to perform the following exercises:
- hold the left foot with the right hand, release
- hold the right foot with the left hand, release
- touch both hands above the head, release
- touch both hands behind the back, release
Information supplied
The following compulsory information is provided by the manufacturer on the product:
- Manufacturer/trading name;
- Batch number (for traceability);
- Type/ model designation;
- EN 813 + year of issue;
- Reference to user manual;Â
- Size;
- Correct method of fastening or adjusting any locking and adjust-ment elements;
- Max. rated load of sit harness in kilograms;
- CE mark with 4-digit identification number.